domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Big Bang

Big Bang

the speed of light = 299 792 458 m / s ( As fast as light may be, the light from say, a star may travel many years to get to Earth. Which is why, when we sit and observe the stars we may wonder if we are looking at a star that actually exists or if we are looking at merely the light of a star that existed many many years ago. We could not have come to this realization just by simply looking at something. To come up with these ideas and reflections we must ruly observe and question something. Ideas like these are taught in the novel "Sophie'd World" by Jostein Gaardner. For example when Alberto tells Sophie "Being interested in why we are here is not a "casual" interest like collecting stamps. People who ask such questions are taking part in the debate that has gone on as loing as man has lived on this planet. How the universe, the earth, and life came into being is bigger and moe important than the question who won the most gold medals in the last Olympics." (Gaardner 14) In the begining of the book Alberto is first beginning to teach Sophie to think in a way that she questions everyhting so that she can finally can question and make her own conlusions of why we are here and how. At the end of the book in the chapter titled "The Big Bang" hilde also starts questioning the universe and existence. "It's a strange thought that we live only on a tiny planet in the universe." (Gaardner 498) This chapter connects to the rest of the book because The Big Bang offers an explanation of how everything started. "The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe. Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. Prior to that moment there was nothing; during and after that moment there was something: our universe. The big bang theory is an effort to explain what happened during and after that moment."(

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010


1.According to marx there was basis and superstructure of a society. The basis was the material, economic and social relations. While society's superstructure was how a society thinks, its beliefs including religion, morals, art, philosophy and science. He believed that these two should interact in order for society to function.

2.Society's conditions of production

Society's means of production

Societys' production relations

3. The firt and most basic level of marx's basis for society is the conditions of production. Which means the natural resources that are available to a society. The image that I posted shows some natural resources like water and trees which are essential for the production of any society since they are the foundation.

The second level of Marx's basis of society is means of production or in other word the equipment, or tools. This is why I put the second image which displays the machinery that is used for farming, which is an important form of production in a society.

The third level of Marx's basis of society is called the society's 'production relations'or the ownership. The picture that I put displays two people in a farm ehich are the owners of the farm.

4. Marx's basis for society can be related to the area of knowledge of human sciences because it can be related to sociology because sociology studies how society works and the different parts of society. It also studies the different classes of society and how the work and interact in a society in orer to make it function.
Marx's basis for society can also be related to the area of knowledge of Natural Sciences because in it he refers to the natural resources of a society. These natural resources are basic and essential for a society to function.

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Blog #2- Descartes

Blog #2- Descartes

1. I agree with Descartes' stance because it is true that everything should be measured or perceived through the senses for it to be named as true. Because if we beleived in every unsupproted idea we would be filled with things that are not true. However this should apply to everything that is material and belongs to the world, it does not mean that we should not have faith in a superior being like God because even though maybe He cannot be percieved through the senses it does not mean that we cannot have faith in him.

2. Natural Sciences: when it comes to natural sciences it is of extreme importance to support every single thing. We cannot assume the properties of a certain living or non living thing without having carefuly observed and proved these characteristics. Otherwise we would be filled with unreliable information about many aspects of the world. Another example would be thoeries. Every theory has to be based on reliable observation through the senses in order to be a valid theory. Theories should only be considered if they are supported by reliable information. Another example would be in medicine, a person could not be diagnosed or declared to have a disease without medical support or exams to back it up.

History: in history it is very important to support every occurence with actual documents, letters, diaries, pictures, fossils, declarations, constitutions, articles and other types of evidence of this kind. Because if not we would not be able to be sure what really happened in the past. Anythiong that cannot be proved by evidence or perception cannot be taken as a fact because there is nno way of asserting that it is true. Having occurences that are not backed up by evidence or perception may result in erroneous knowledge of our past.


4. This image supports my opinion of DEscartes' stance bacause it shows how in oreder to reach a conlusion, one should first go through the process of gathering evidence an observation and evidence through the senses, instead of just jumping to a conlusion. Like Descartes said that everything must be broken down into as many factors as possible, this is what occurs in the image. The leaf is broken down my being seen through the microscope, and its parts are observed carefully before develeping a a conclusion.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Aristotle Post

Aristotle Post

1. Nature's Scale
Aristotle believes that everything in the natural world can be divided into two main categories: non "living things" and "non-living things". Aristotle divides living things into two categories: "plants" and "creatures". "Creatures" can be divided into two subcategories: "animals" and "humans".

2. Natural Sciences
Just like Aristotle classifies everything into different categores, which he names "nature's scale", natural sciences also has its own classification. "Taxonomy is the science of identifying and naming species and organising them into systems of classification." ( taxonomy has different categories than Aristotle's nature's scale. The categories in taxonomy include: kingdomm, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

3. "Global Taxonomy Initiative"
"Effective conservation and management of biodiversity depends in large part on our understanding of taxonomy. Unfortunately, inadequate taxonomic information and infrastructure, coupled with declining taxonomic expertise, hinders our ability to make informed decisions about conservation, sustainable use and sharing of the benefits derived from genetic resources."(
Toxonomy plays a big role in making important decicions when it comes to conservation among other things. This is why it is important to have a good knowledge about this classification

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010


-Intention of the Artist: ”The artist behind a controversial work depicting terrorism mastermind Osama bin Laden morphing into Jesus today invited those considering her work to look a little more deeply than the obvious comparison of good and evil.”( "When you observe these two people, Osama Bin Ladin and Jesus, their ethics could not be more different. But they were both pursued by two of the world’s most powerful armies – the US and the Roman armies. Jesus is clearly defined by history, but I am interested in how history will treat the image of Osama." ( The artist is not only using Obama and Jesus as symbols of good and evil, but she is also referring directly to each of them: She is trying to show how two important, and famous figures such as them, are so different but at the same time do have similarities
-Quality of the Work: " a diverse array of media, including photography, digital illustration, and installation, have been co-opted by this artist for their particular effect: the lenticular photographic process, for example, insistently incorporates two viewing positions into a work, and is seen to change from different angles. The effect is to destabilize the image, and render as problematic any ideas of prescribed meaning" (
-Response of the audience: The artwork caused a furious response from politicians and church leaders. Many catholic people are offended by this image because they feel that the intention is to make someone evil like Osama seem alike to Jesus. "The Prime Minister Johns Howard (Australia) has branded the work “gratuitously offensive” to Christians” (

-Imitation: the artwrok depicts the side of reality that many followers of Osama Bin Laden viewed him like this. They thought that he was their saviour and he was complying with thir religion by doing this. They viewed what he and the others who helped them did, as a holy sacrifice.
-Communication: this piece transmits the message of a comparison between good and evil. Osama bin Laden, a terrorist, is morphing into Jesus a religious symbol of good and peace.
-Education: this artwrok is influencial because first of all it depicts the views of some like the peopple who follow Osama Bin Laden and thought that he was divineley inspired to do what he did, also it makes a comparison between evil acts and good. It make cause people to continue this depiction of Osama or to do an artwork that disproves this view of him.

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010



1. RNAi, also known as "gene silencing," is a cellular mechanism that blocks the production of proteins, and has tantalized doctors as a potential medicine for a number of years now. However, by placing payloads of RNA in a polymer nanobot, scientists have finally shown that this technique can work against tumors in human patients. ((

2. Specially constructed molecules could potentially block the expression of genes critical to the reproduction of viruses and the spread of cancer. But until now, doctors had been unable to direct those molecules to the right cellular nuclei. Scientists from the California Institute of Technology solved this problem by placing the RNA molecules in a specialized polymer robot with a chemical sensor. When the environment of a cancerous cell triggered the chemical sensor, the robot releases the RNA.

The trial involved three people with melanomas who received the RNA-load nanoparticles intravenously four times, for 30 minutes, over three weeks. At the end of that time, samples taken from the melanomas showed both the presence of the RNA, and a reduction in tumor gene expression. (

3. The experiment can work against tumors in human patients.Plus, since RNAi can work against any transcription, RNAi nanobots could potentially disable both DNA viruses, like smallox, and RNA viruses, like SARS. (

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010


-Every competent adult has the incontestable right to humankind’s ultimate civil and personal liberty -- the right to die in a manner and at a time of their own choosing. Medically hastened death by request should be made lawful as it is now in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the American states of Oregon and Washington (each has different rules).

It is correct that Sweden has no law specifically proscribing assisted suicide. Instead the prosecutors might charge an assister with manslaughter – and do. In 1979 the Swedish right-to-die leader Berit Hedeby went to prison for a year for helping a man with MS to die. Neighbouring.

Norway has criminal sanctions against assisted suicide by using the charge "accessory to murder". In cases where consent was given and the reasons compassionate, the courts pass lighter sentences. A recent law commission voted down de-criminalizing assisted suicide by a 5-2 vote.

France does not have a specific law banning assisted suicide, but such a case could be prosecuted under 223-6 of the Penal Code for failure to assist a person in danger.
Denmark has no specific law banning assisted suicide.

In Italy the action is legally forbidden, although pro-euthanasia activists in Turin and Rome are pressing hard for law reform.

Luxembourg does not forbid assistance in suicide because suicide itself is not a crime. Nevertheless, under 410-1 of its Penal Code a person could be penalized for failing to assist a person in danger. In March 2003 legislation to permit euthanasia was lost in the Luxembourg Parliament by a single vote.

The only four places that today openly and legally, authorize active assistance in dying of patients, are:
1. Oregon (since l997, physician-assisted suicide only);
2. Switzerland (1941, physician and non-physician assisted suicide only);
3. Belgium (2002, permits 'euthanasia' but does not define the method;
4. Netherlands (voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide lawful since April 2002 but permitted by the courts since l984).

I personally believe that assisted suicide should not be legal because even though that yes it is true that someone may be suffering and going through a lot of pain but God gave him/her life and only he can take it away.